Does your child need help trying to learn their sight words? These sight word printables are perfect for a child that is just starting out or for those that just need a little more help to catch up. The moment I went to the Parent/teacher night 3 days before Kindergarten Started I knew things were going to go by quick and this was going to take some work on everyone’s part including myself.
You are never going to guess how the Parent/teacher meeting started out, more on that in just a bit!
We were told exactly how the year was going to go down and what we needed to do every week for our child’s success. All the young (younger than me) parents nodding their heads, so sure of their abilities to teach their children. Shaking their head in agreement that coming home at night after an eight-hour shift that it would be so easy to help them with their homework.
Meanwhile, I about fell out of my chair! Are they serious???
I might as well explain, this is not my first rodeo. I have had three kids in Kindergarten in my life, along with all four of my brother’s kids (he worked nights). Never, in all those years did anyone mention to me that we would be reading before they left Kindergarten. Kindergarten you learn, and you learn a lot but reading???
I looked around again, everyone was still nodding their heads.
This was insane as far as I was concerned. Now, not only did my oldest not have any books in high school (they use computers only) but my youngest would be reading by the end of Kindergarten. Absolutely Amazing…..
Remembering that one thing they said at the beginning of the meeting, more on that at the end.
I quickly sat up on the cold hard bleachers and started taking notes. Since then we are 3/4 of the way through Kindergarten and she is doing fine! It has been absolutely fascinating watching her learn to read (Yes she is doing it!). Along the way I have learned what has worked for us and what really didn’t.
I figured I would save your panicked heart and go ahead and share with you some Free Sight Word Printables that worked great for our daughter and has really helped in our journey of learning to read. You will find the printables below. Just click on the one you want to check out more closely.
Below the list, you will find the 5+ Learning Resources you must have and the answer to the pending question of what was said at the beginning of the Parent/teacher conference.

Sight Word Printables To Help Your Child NOW
- This Sight Word Bingo Printable from Momerish is great for those that have already been introduced to sight words. It would also work great in a classroom setting or daycare. It includes 4 separate Sight Word Bingo Cards to print off. We used our Do-A-Dot markers to mark the squares but you could use pennies if you wanted to use them over and over again.
- The Measure Mom has 112+ Free Printable Sight Word Readers that you can print off for your child. Each book focuses on a specific sight word. We use a reading box to hold all her books and we also include a Reading Pointer (so she can point to the words as she reads) and a highlighter (we let Charlee highlight all the words she knows in a new printable book before she starts reading). Just a few ways to make reading fun! We also let her decorate her reading box herself with stickers.
- Hop on Popcorn is a really cute game by OB Suessed where your child can get a little practice without knowing it!! When you make learning fun your child will actually begin to love learning and that is exactly what we want! Just print off her Free Printable Hop on Popcorn game and grab yourself Paper Popcorn Box (they also sell them at Dollar General sometimes) and have a family game night!! She also has a great Hop on Popcorn Bar if you want to invite a few friends over and make it a party!
- How about a Crazy Road Sight Words Game to get your child’s attention. My daughter loves to play with cars and we have had loads of fun playing with the game and when we are done we drive the cars on the roadway of course! This great game is compliments of 123 Homeschool 4 Me.
- Kindergarten Kindergarten has some fantastic Sight Word Practice Pages for you to print off. It includes 4 pages, the first one uses highlighters to color over the words… she is pink… he is blue… and so on. On the second page, they practice writing the words. The third page includes a cutout of letters at the bottom and then you glue the letters on to match the word (Charlee loves this one). The following pages are flashcards that can be used practice sight words or they can actually make sentences. This is great for raising their self-esteem.
- Make Take Teach has a fantastic post with tons of ideas including Sight Word Printables. Our favorite is the Building Sight Words pages, you use Plastic Magnetic Letters to build their own sight words copying the words that they see on the paper.
- I heart Crafty Things has come up with a great Word Building Activity Travel Kit and it works wonderfully on a trip! Anything that keeps your kids busy in the car is a great thing! Right?? I’m sure you all have a Metal Lunch Box (if not they are cheap on Amazon) laying around. Then you use plastic letters and things to make the kit. (Check it out here, we made one and absolutely love it! This one is not really a Sight Word Printable folks, but it’s so cool I had to share!
- Here is another site word printable game called Gone Fishin’ with Sight Words. This Reading Mama came up with the brilliant printable that involves learning while standing up!! What?? Yup, you heard me right, this is perfect for those little munchkins that can’t stand still!
- If you are looking for a printable Site Words by Month sheet that shows you how to split them up throughout the year you have come to the right place. Squarehead Teachers has the sectioned off on a pretty printable for you. You can hang them by your desk or on your fridge to help you stay on track.
- Mom Inspired Life has a great Building Sight Words Activity for your child. This one is extra fun because once again, you are building with legos!! I’m really not sure what child doesn’t like Lego’s!! We used our Duplo Basic Brick Set to make ours.
- Sight Word Slap by The Crafty Classroom is an awesome game that will make them want to learn their word wall words! It takes two players and when the cards are the same they slap them, when they are different they read them. The printable has better instructions, I just wanted to give you an idea.
- How many of you have the Candy Land Game? This fun Sight Word Candy Land Printable from 123 Homeschool 4 Me uses the actual board game but takes it to a whole new level with Sight Words. She has different Downloads from Preschool all the way to 3rd grade.
- The last thing I have for you today to help your child learn sight words is a few links to some pretty awesome Sight Word Card Printables. Find them and start going over a few every night. Repetition is really important when learning to read sight words and the more you do it the faster they will get.
Sight Word Flash Card Printables
- Owl Themed Kindergarten Sight Words by Ms Queen over on TPT
- Printable Sight Word Labels by Freebie-licious
- Superhero Sight Words by Heather B. on TPT ($3, but totally worth it)
- Pre-Kinder Sight Words by
Looking for more Sight Word Learning Resources??
These have worked very well for us.
- Meet the Sight Words Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 is hands down where Charlee got the most help. Simple little cartoons that have the words shaped liked animals and things. I thought it was goofy. She, on the other hand, was glued to the screen, over and over again!
- Sight Words Puppy Dash App (FREE!)
- Learning Sight Words Wipe Clean Book (great in the car)
- Sight Words: Level B Workbook
- Sight Words Swat (Who doesn’t like to play with a flyswatter?)
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