When you have kids making them do their chores turns into a big chore for you. Remove some of the headache from getting the chores done by changing up a few things. Try one or all of these suggestions to make chore time a little less of a struggle.
Whistle while you work– We all know what mimics children are, a mirror that show us our worst traits sometimes, right? If you grumble and complain through your own chores chances are they will do the same. Try to keep up a joyful appearance as you go about your own work, I have a few other ideas that will make this much easier to pull off for you too!
Music- My absolute favorite way to make the job more fun? Music! Turn on some tunes that make you wanna dance and sing. Get in a groove and get moving, whether you are doing a deep clean or a 10 minute quick pick up this is one way to get the job done.
Competition- Everyone loves a little healthy competition, so make a game out of it. Set up tasks and race to complete them. Who can pick up the most? Who can get their area tidied up first?
Create checklists– Checking off your tasks gives a sense of accomplishment, why shouldn’t little ones get that same feeling?
Reward- We all love to be rewarded for a job well done, but it need not be considered a bribe- Once everyone has finished what needs to be done play a board game together as a family, go for ice cream, 15 extra minutes of T.V,
Consistency- To stay on top of things so the work does not become overwhelming insist they do some every day, a couple times a day if needed. I notice when I let the kid’s rooms get too messy before asking for a clean-up it is too much for them and they melt down.
Make a place for everything- If your child is not yet reading print out pictures to create labels for all their bins and drawers, older children can still benefit from word labels. This gives some structure, organization, and sense of belonging to your child’s space.
I hope you enjoy the 7 ways to make chores fun for kids! Remember that each child is different and what works for one may not work for the other. If one thing doesn’t work for your child be flexible and try another. With a little
I like music to work to myself so it makes sense to try it for the kids too.
Good ideas, my kids are all teenage and older now, I’m afraid I just tended to let them just get on with their chores. As long as they got done eventually I was happy, and they quickly learnt that if you don’t iron your clothes they stay wrinkled, if you leave a cup in your room it soon goes mouldy and if you don’t make breakfast on the weekend you are very hungry!
This is perfect! My 2 year old loves helping out with chores and this is such a great way to keep us focused! Thanks for sharing!