We were looking for a great Printable Class Christmas Cards for attaching gifts to for Charlee Ann’s preschool class and a great friend of mine made these for me. I thought they were so cute and many of you would like to use them also. They make for a very affordable Christmas gift with a nice special touch.
My oldest Alicia who is a freshman in high school even fell in love and it making a set of Printable Class Christmas Cards for her class also. All you need to do is click the link to print them off. They come 4 to a sheet and you can print off as many as you need. I do find that they hold up better using thicker paper but copy paper will work also.
There are many things you can add to your printable class Christmas Cards depending on your budget and what you would like your kids friends to have based on allergies and preference.
Here are some great ideas…..
- Candy Cane
- Candy Bar
- Toy Cars
- Bracelets
- Rings
- Necklace
- Toy Dinosaurs
- Small Notebook or Pencils
- Christmas toys or novelties
What a great idea and I love the printables! This is something that I’m sure my teenage daughters will enjoy doing for their friends and saves me a bundle! 😉 Thank you for sharing with all of us on the Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday.
Wishing you an amazing Christmas week.
Lysa ~ Co-Host OMHGWW
This is fabulous! I love it. Pinned and tweeted. Thanks for being a part of our party! I hope you stop by on Monday at 7 pm. We love to party with you. Merry Christmas! Lou Lou Girls