This blog post story started at Walmart a few weeks ago. Needless to say while shopping I decided they needed a store that bans cell phone usage while shopping. Why you ask?? Well to start off with it took me 2 hours to shop instead of thirty minutes…..not because the store was to busy or because I had a million things to pick up but because I was stopped multiple times by people that were texting and social networking!
Really people, is it really that important to update facebook that they are out of your brand of milk?? Or maybe that it is sooo beautiful outside and you are stuck shopping?? Well let me clue you in here people……..If you would put the dang phone in your purse and shop you might be able to salvage what is left of your day!!! ~~~ Ok rant over………..
Now don’t get me wrong, I use my “smart phone” regularly but what I don’t do is let it take over my life. Everyone needs to monitor their usage and it is very easy if you don’t pay attention to actually lose track of time and before you know it your day is over and nothing is done.
Head on over to the local park one day and take a look around. I did and boy was it an eye opener!! There were tons of kids there with their parents. What a happy day to go to the park with mom and dad or better yet BOTH!! Well what I observed was very disturbing. It was a beautiful Spring day and there were thirteen parents their with their children. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WERE ON THEIR PHONE!!! Not one single person watching or playing with their child. It brought tears to my eyes. I heard the dreaded “watch me” a million times. I know you know what I’m talking about! Every parents dreads the stage but what we too often forget is that one day……..the will begin the other dreaded stage of hiding from you. Mom and Dad are only “cool” for a while and then they begin wanting to stay away from you. đ
I challenge each and every one of you to step away from your phone, not all the time but sometimes and take a look around. Enjoy the beauty of the earth, hug and play with your children, have a “real” conversation with someone instead of a facebook message or a text. I promise you will see things differently. Let’ s all begin to enjoy life instead of technology and begin to get to know each other again!
Put your cell phone down, before you miss out on LIFE!
I try not to check my phone all the time. I don’t during meal times, for sure. I find that rude.
I do the same thing Amber. Drives me crazy especially when we are out to eat and someone gets on to facebook or text!!