Are you tired of your house looking like a complete disaster? Do you feel overwhelmed and feel like you just can’t keep up? Well, there are ways you can organize your house and make it look tremendously better. Check out these 5 organizational tips that will help you get your house back in order and your mind focused.
#1. Start from the Bottom Up
If you are cleaning off counters and tables first, you’re going to be knocking things on the floor. Make sure you start from the bottom up when organizing anything.
#2. Clear Out the Closets
There are so many things lurking in those closets of yours. You clearly can’t get organized if there is clutter in those closets. Start taking out items that are no longer in use or have been in the closet for more than six months.
#3. Organize the Pantry
The pantry is usually one of those items that is always left to fend for itself. Pull out the old food and keep the newer food. Donate to charity what you will not use and organize the rest. You might be surprised at what’s lurking in your pantry.
#4. Get Rid of Bulky Items
You’re probably missing room within your home because you have so much bulky furniture. Get rid of some of your furniture to make more room for walking and living. Do you really need four couches in your living room?
#5. Trash Bin in Every Room
If you’re new to organizing, then put a trash bin in every room. Every time you see a piece of trash, you can throw it away then and there. Organizing is always a continuous effort, never forget that.
There you have it, five quick ways you can organize your home and learn to take control over it again. Organizing your home is definitely a work in progress at all time in our home. Do you have any tips for organizing your home that you could share with us today? Leave a tip in the comments below so we can all have a more organized home!
Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.