Building a blog isn’t only about traffic, but if you want your efforts to be profitable, then you have to focus on traffic a bit. You might not have 258 hours a day to devote to your blog, and that’s okay. Reading other blogs (like ProBlogger) will help do some of the legwork for you, but there’s always more. Follow these tips to increase blog traffic with less effort.
Write the good stuff. Creating shareable content is the big key to increasing blog traffic. This is where you’ll put the most work in, and it will yield the best results.
Pick the right titles. Your titles should be descriptive, and catchy. Keep it short and sweet, and don’t forget to use keywords.
Link back to others. When someone links to my blog, I get a trackback. When I see that they’ve linked to me, I visit their blog, leave a comment, etc. Sometimes I’ll even tweet or share the post, which helps with their traffic (and mine). Be appreciative when people link to you and try to return the favor.
Automate it. Set up a newsletter. Write a few weeks (or months) worth of newsletters, and have it set to automatically go out. Have a sign up form on your blog so you can get more sign ups without having to spend all day advertising.
Automate your tweets and Facebook posts, too, but not all the time. I would recommend 50% automated on Twitter, and only 25% automated on Facebook. Post live to G+.
Hire out. Instead of spending time and energy to do research and write an amazing post, hire someone else to do it!
Link back… to yourself. While writing your blog posts, link back to your other blog posts. Your readers will click on them, which will increase your traffic – and your backlinks will help your SEO.
Mention someone famous. Do this not just for search traffic, but for sensationalism. People love reading about celebrities. Whether it’s the president or a pop singer, someone will be interested.
Connect with other bloggers. Find other bloggers in your niche to connect with. Chances are, they need their posts shared just like you need yours shared. Create a small support tribe and share each other’s posts via social media. You can schedule these shares, so you don’t have to be online for long periods of time.
These are some awesome tips! Increasing my blog traffic is one of my main goals, but it’s also the toughest! Thanks for sharing.
I think it is always in the back of a bloggers mind and usually driving us bonkers!! LOL I hope some of the tips work well for you!
There are so many elements to blogging, aren’t there? These are great tips to help bring more traffic!
I read somewhere that Google doesn’t like too many backlinks, so I am totally confused. Wouldn’t you think it would be a good thing?
Thank you for the tips,This is one thing i think about a lot so this will help me.
Thank you for the tips. I had an automated newsletter with blogger, but for some reason people aren’t getting it anymore. I’m thinking I’m going to have to go to a different source for the letter. I’m new at that, so wish me luck. 🙂
I just recently started to share on StumbleUpon, and it’s my biggest traffic pusher. Who knew?!
Love the tips. Very true to get the traffic.
Very good advice. These will help get your traffic moving.
What great tips! I think sharing of others’ posts generates a lot of traffic back.
Great tips! I will try try mention someone famous idea! Just gotta find someone in my niche
Very good suggestions….I need to work on my titles. I know that is a weakness for my blog.
I need to work on better titles. But I work on creating backlinks to help my traffic.
So many people have differing opinions on titles. It never hurts to hear various approaches.
There are definitely some good tips here. I try to think of at least one Pinterest-worthy post each week (5 or 7 is sometimes too much for me.) I’ve gotten fairly decent traffic from Pinterest!
Great tips! So much to do in blogging.
Great tips for driving blog traffic with less effort. I think great titles are always helpful.
These are all great tips. I definitely agree that connecting with other bloggers is important.
These are great tips and as a fellow blogger it is always refreshing to find new ways to drive traffic to my blog. This past year I have put a lot of effort into connecting with other mommy bloggers like myself and it’s helped me out so much!
Great pointers! I pinned this so I can use it as a check list! I am still new to the whole blogger world and I am realizing how time consuming that it can be!
Great suggestions! I need to pay attention to titles….make sure they’re searchable.
I Love all of these tips and I implement them all. I am blogging and commenting more on other blog, you know giving good blog karma to receive great blog karma! Good tips!
These are some great tips! Thank you. I like the idea of commenting/sharing other blogs when they send readers our way. I’ve done that some but not every time.
Yes, it is a lot of work building that traffic. Being consistent has been my biggest problem. When you are starting out it can be frustrating.
A newsletter is crucial! It is important to automate it and go in and sometimes change it up !
I just updated my newsletter which has been helpful! Never thought about adding celebrity postings
Thanks for the tips. I never thought about doing a newsletter. I guess I need to look into that.
Great tips- I love connecting with other bloggers!
it’s not really about taking shortcuts but more about working smarter. I’m easily distracted so I have to work on my focus
I find that I get my best traffic when I social media my posts out. I have found that I get tons more views when I do that 🙂
These are some really great tips! I think its also really important to keep a majority of your writing organic.
These are such great tips. I have been trying to do more backlinking within my new posts.
All great points! Since I work full time as well as blog, I need any short cuts I can find.
Great tips! This blogging thing can be like getting sucked into a black hole with all the work. Doing things that don’t take a ton of effort are key.
These are great tips and I am trying or doing many of them. Writing about celebrities really does help but there is such stiff competition out there for that crowd.
These are all such great tips! I love the link back trick. I’ve been doing that more myself lately and have seen an increase in page views!
Blogging has so many elements to it and my friends really think I just write and then I’m done! So much more than that! These are really great tips!
These are all great suggestions. Thanks for sharing them. Sometimes it takes reading these lists to plan what to do next.
Thanks for sharing this. Some of these I already knew but others where new to me. I appreciate you sharing this. I can truly say that the ones that I have been practicing have increased my traffic so much.
GREAT tips, I’m always looking for ways to increase traffic with out having to spend much more time on my blog. I do keep forgetting to link back to myself.